So it’s been quite some days all over the world. Funny though that the days seem to be flying past or maybe it’s because I decided that I was going to be particularly intentional with how I spend it. So I thought to share what that looks like for me so maybe i can inspire you with ideas on how to spend yours⠀
Ordinarily I would be at work on a week day and I work about 10-11 hours daily. While I DO NOT want to reproduce that during this unplanned break, I certainly don’t want to waste my time either lousing around so I came up with a 6-8 hour work schedule to help me stay on track, maintain my focus, build myself and very importantly, help me not to add to my already not so slim waistline⠀
On a typical workday, I resume by 8an. So I wake up like I do if I was going to work, go through my morning routines and take my bathe and by 7, I’m ready for the day. I literally dress up but in a casual way, it helps my brain get the information that I’m not here to play⠀
I bond and play with my kids and look into some stuff from 7 to 9 am and by 9am I’m sitted at my reading table where I read for 2 hours with about 15 minutes break in between . While reading, I keep tabs with ONLY my office mail cos I’m still working remotely. I try not to touch other emails and apps⠀
After that, I take an hour long break cos, yes, I want to bring in some balance. Play with the kids and catch up on my to do, check my emails. And do some fun stuff.⠀
The next two hours I dedicate to praying and studying cos this period is a very good time to build some deep roots in Jesus, can i get an Amen?⠀
After that, I take another 1 hour break and then read for another 2 hours.⠀
By 5, I close shop. Done for the day. Enough fruitfulnes and productivity done for the day cos yes, this is a part of my number of days, whether there is a lockdown or not..and we always ask that God will teach us to number our days so we can apply our hearts to wisdom⠀
So yes. Be wise. I gope this inspires you. Please dont waste this period. I take God beg you ⠀
Love, light and life⠀
Aijay Ufomadu