Ever wondered how some busy folks find the time and ability to stay consistent and focused on reading, inspite of their tight schedules? The information below might give you some answers⠀⠀⠀⠀
A reading style helps you approach reading with a mindset that will help you build and develop consistency and today, we will be looking at two reading styles I developed after reading and being inspired by Jim Collins book, Great by Choice. It’s called the 20 mile concept and its basically about imposing a steady performance mark hit with great consistency. Simply put, you list out a certain objective or number of objectives that you or your organization needs to do on a regular basis, to solve a problem, and you stick to doing those objectives, day in day out ⠀⠀⠀
No matter what obstacles you face.⠀⠀⠀
So unto the reading styles⠀⠀⠀
The first style is to read a certain number of pages daily, day in day out, in season and out of season, whether you feel like it or not. So it means that if you choose to read 10 pages daily, you read it everyday, whether you’re tired or not. And on the days you’re feeling particularly good and you have plenty of time, you still maintain 10 pages and use the remaining time for something else. ⠀⠀⠀⠀
The second reading style is reading for a certain amount of time daily. You can decide to do 30 minutes or one hour or more but you stick to that time, daily, no matter what.⠀⠀
The whole idea is about building a ritualistic approach to crushing a goal in a way that eliminates any excuses that you can give yourself. But to make it sustainable, start in a small stretch zone. For example, if you haven’t been much of a reader before now, don’t go for one hour, go for 20 or 30 minutes daily and run on that for a while before you upgrade. Start small because the whole idea is to help you fulfil your goal by staying consistent which builds discipline and tenacity in the process. And don’t worry if 10 pages or 20 mins doesn’t look like much; the secret of the 20 mile concept again, is hidden in the consistency. As a busy professional, we don’t have alot of time but the little time we have, when judiciously used daily, will become alot.
Aijay Ufomadu